???option.TituloSitioWeb.gradoDoble??? Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management


Admission Profile

  • If you are a person with the capacity for the observation, the analysis and the reasoning, with critical spirit and with motivation for teamwork, if you have the ability for methodical and organized work.
  • If you like to deepen in problems and you have creativity and perseverance in the search for solutions.
  • If you are interested in new technologies and how these technologies provide solutions to real business problems

This dual degree is done for you, so you can develop your skills and, thus, find open door to a wide range of high level job opportunities.


Access and admission

To access the degree studies in the Catalan public universities it is necessary to fill in the university registration, in the announced dates, choosing the preferences of study and submitting the documentation required.

You can find more information on the registration process in the page of the Office concerned with Orientation for the Access to the University of the Generalitat of Catalonia, which manages the access to the whole university public system.

The number of seats per year that the university offers for this double degree is 10.

Entrance pathways

You can access the Double Degree (Degree in Computer Science and Degree in Business Administration and Management) in several ways:

If you have the title of:

  • High School Degree + PAAU (or COU + PAAU): You can access any degree with independence of the kind/option of High School chosen.
  • Formative cycle of Upper Degree (CFGS): You can access any degree without need to do any test; the access qualification is the average of all the qualifications of the previous studies. Some CFGS allow credits recognition.
  • Any other university degree: You can access a degree if any other university degree has been finished; the qualification of access is the average qualification of the studies done.

If you have passed the tests for:

  • Older than 25: People older than 25 can access to the university by passing the test of access to the university for older than 25. These tests are common for all the universities of Catalonia.
  • Older than 45: People older than 45 can access to the university by passing the test of access to the university for older than 45. They are common tests for all the universities of Catalonia.
  • Older than 40 with professional experience: People older than 40 that accredit labor or professional experience (related to the degree they want to enroll to) if they cannot follow neither of the ways of access enumerated above.

If you come from another university and/or of other university studies, you have two different ways of access:

  • University registration: normal access through the university registration. You can find more information on the procedure to follow, once you have been admitted, in this link. If you have passed some subjects in your previous studies which have equivalent syllabus to ours, they can be recognized.
  • Application for credits recognition

Access for foreign students:

The procedure to access to a university degree depends on which studies you have and which degree you are about to begin. In this link, you can find more information.

You can find more information in the web of the catalane government.